"I won't treat you like you're, oh, so typical..." - Tegan and Sara
This is a special one for me personally. I've known John since sixth grade when we were both on safety patrol at our school (in full disclosure I later found out the only reason we both joined was for the free trip to Epocot at the end of the year). He and I have played in bands together, traveled, argued like old grandparents, drank gallons of Coke-a-Cola, and spent a countless number of hours on the internet late at night.
Looking back through some old photos I figured out the first time I met Katie. One of our friends was having a dinner party and John brought Katie. The first three photos of this post are from that August night in 2014. Through the years they've been together I've be able to get to know Katie better and see a different side of one of my best dudes.
When Katie asked me to take some engagement photos for them I couldn't of been more stoked. Then finding these older photo's really highlighted why I love photography and why I take photos... to stop time. The cliche' is dumb, but true, life moves fast and before you know it you're at the end. If nothing else, documenting moments in my life helps me slow down and enjoy this futile story line even if it's only for a 1/1000th of a second.